"What We Are For" (The Threepenny Review, 2024)
Three Poems by Jill McDonough (Scoundrel Time, 2024)
"Sunset with Jerome" (Orion, 2024)
"Still Dead" (High Country News, 2024)
"3 a. m. " (Plume, 2024)
"You Shouldn't Be the One Carrying the Bags, Baby" (The Threepenny Review, 2024)
"Love and the Deli Counter" (The Slowdown, 2023)
"Donald Judd Just Made Whatever He Wanted" (The Harvard Review, 2022)
"What Kids Don't Know" (The Threepenny Review, 2022)
“Bearclaw Asshole” and “High School Kids and Gonorrhea,” (Hobart, 2021)
"Dictionary Poem" (The Threepenny Review, 2021)
"Reading 'What a Waste' to College Boys," (Southern Indiana Review, 2021)
“Notnames at the Detroit Institute of the Arts” and “Hell Fuckin’ Yeah: Smackdown vs. Raw,” (Plume, 2021)
"Testicles at Trinity, the Atomic Testing Site" (Bennington Review, 2021)
“Ponkapoag Pond,” “The Air Above Boston,” and “There Was a Lot of Stuff to Do" (Scoundrel Time, 2021)
"Reading Aloud in Kidjail" (Writers Resist, 2021)
"Freedom" (Poetry, 2021)
"Donuts in Kid-Jail" (Poetry, 2021)
"Drunk Driving" (Baltimore Review, 2021)
"Whiteness in Bloom" (Writers Resist, 2020)
"Cindy Comes to Hear Me Read" (The Slowdown, 2019)
"Unattended Death and Wasted Time" (Failbetter, 2019)
"Balls Deep" (Drunk Monkeys, 2019)
"The Serious Downer," "The TSA and My Buttock Anomaly," and "A Cincinnati Stripper Bar" (Scoundrel Time, 2019)
"In Which I Am Accused of Sleeping My Way to the Top" (The Threepenny Review, 2019)
"That's My Taco" (Drunk Monkeys, 2019)
"Food Wall" and "I Have Plenty of Time" (Porter House Review, 2019)
"Happy" and "Fawn Bleat" (Fugue, 2019)
"Sonnet for the Money" (The Threepenny Review, 2018)
"Our Father" (Poem-a-Day, 2018)
"Why They Hate Us" (Ploughshares, 2018)
"#notallluchadors" (Baltimore Review, 2018)
"Zero Slave Teeth" (The Common, 2018)
"Red Light Roses" (The Common, 2018)
"Our Star" (Literary Matters, 2018)
"What You Can Love" (Mortar Magazine, 2018)
"What We Can Imagine" (Mortar Magazine, 2018)
"What a Waste" (Green Mountains Review, 2018)
"Careful" (Mom Egg Review, 2018)
"Spelling 'Prostitutes,'" "Rosa Parks Edits Her Statement as she Writes It," "On the Deerfield River," "During the Ads," "Twenty Years," and "Call in Steak" (Scoundrel Time, 2017)
An Interview with Jill McDonough (Scoundrel Time, 2017)
"My Sister Wants to Buy My Dad a Drone for Father's Day" (The New York Times Magazine, 2017)
"For I Will Consider My Friend Susan" (Pangyrus, 2017)
"Renga for Obama" (With Rosanna Warren; Harvard Review, 2017)
"War Alphabet" (Poetry Daily, 2017)
"Breugel" (The Shallow Ends, 2016)
"Oak Ridge" (Topology Magazine, 2016)
"Path to Nowhere" (The Threepenny Review, 2016)
"Big Earth" (Bird's Thumb, 2016)
"A Decision Was Made" (Bird's Thumb, 2016)
"What The Boyfriends Teach Us" (Bird's Thumb, 2016)
"Big Stink, Necessary Evil"(Truthdig, 2016)
"Another Art" (Memorious, 2016)
"Ode to the Makers" (ROAR, 2015)
"Twelve-Hour Shifts" (Academy of American Poets' Poem-a-Day, 2015)
"What's New" (Agni, 2015)
"Heirloom" (Barely South Review, 2015)
"Poor Pussy" (Thrush, 2015)
"Campsite, Shenandoah" (Oxford American, 2015)
"Still Death" (Truthdig, 2015)
"Still Falling" and "Man's Man" (Hobart, 2015)
"Enchantment" (Baltimore Review, 2015)
"Joe Hill's Prison" and "Salt Lake City Poem Ending with a Line by Wordsworth" (Mapping Salt Lake City, 2015)
"Dr. Li Shovels!" and "Backhoe in Snow" (Boston Globe, 2015)
"Prison Education," "Poetry Class in a Massachusetts Prison" (B O D Y Magazine, 2015)
"Stoning the Drone" (Breakwater Review, 2015)
"Rocket Man Had It Coming" (Breakwater Review, 2015)
"CODE NAMES" (Breakwater Review, 2015)
"Car Wash" (Take Magazine, 2015)
"New Haven" (Minnesota Review, 2014)
"Rat's Ass" (Mead, 2014)
"Do What You Love" (The Baffler, 2014)
"Embroidered Eyebrows of Eve" (Plume, 2014)
"Accident, Mass. Ave.," "Dear Gaybashers," "Golden Gate Hank," "Husky Boys' Dickies," "Preface," "This is Your Chance," "Three a. m.," "We're Human Beings," "Women's Prison Every Week" (Poetry Foundation Archive, 2014)
“Devil Pod,” “Hot Dogs, Fresh Buns: Tetrameter for Dre,” and “John Clare’s First Trip to London” (Unsplendid, 2014)
"What You Worry About" and "The 30" (Tupelo Quarterly, 2014)
"Looking at Saints and Talking About Robots" (The Threepenny Review, 2014)
"Ken Chukwuba, Salt Lake City" and "It's What You Said You Wanted" (The Adroit Journal, 2014)
“Horrors All Around,” and “Also, Homemade Flamethrowers” (The Drum, 2014)
"I Don't Know Greek" (Salamander, 2014)
"War with Computers" (The Rumpus, 2014)
“Mars,” "Lucky Copper Smelter," and"I Get an Eleven Dollar Haircut in Walpole, Massachusetts" (Malahat Review, 2013)
"Brandon Bryant: MQ1 Predator Sensor Operator" (The Rumpus, 2013)
"Wood Anniversary: Another Ghazal" (B O D Y, 2013)
"Miltown" (Agni, 2013)
Oh, James!: poems on all the James Bond movies (At Length, 2013)
PDFs of all Jill's work that's on JSTOR
"Basic Writing Skills" and "Arches National Park" (Memorious, 2012)
"Enchantment" and "Easy to Lie" (DMQ Review, 2012)
"Ming" (The Threepenny Review, 2012)
"My History of CPR" (One Pause Poetry, 2012) is in Collective Brightness: LGBTIQ Poets on Faith, Religion and Spirituality
"In Which I Get A Migraine and Think of Hildegard von Bingen" (Poetry Daily, 2012)
"Fort Point Crutch at Low Tide" (Breakwater Review, 2012)
"Angela, From Wisconsin" (Guernica, 2012)
"Coffee for Everyone" (Agni, 2012)
"Preface" (Harvard Review, 2011) is in 2012 Pushcart Prize XXXVII: Best of the Small Presses
"We Hate That Tree" (Status Hat, 2011)
"Heat Shield" (Status Hat, 2011)
"Toward A Lawn" (Numinous, 2011)
"Dear Gaybashers" (DMQ Review, 2010) is in Best American Poetry 2011
"Women's Prison Every Week" (Boxcar Poetry, 2010)
"Blackwater" (Memorious, 2010)
"Husky Boys' Dickies" (Memorious, 2010)
"An Hour with an Etruscan Sarcophagus" (Memorious, 2010)
"On Being Asked, 'What Is Poetry?'" (Readwritepoetry, 2009)
"What Washed Ashore" (Sea Change, 2009)
"Cary Grant" (Cortland Review, 2008)
"Dream Aubade" (DMQ Review, 2008)
"Accident, Mass. Ave." (The Threepenny Review, 2008) is in 2010 Pushcart Prize XXXIV: Best of the Small Presses.
"How Happiness Works" (Stirring, 2007)
"Tetas Como Martinis" tr. Julio Trujillo (Letras Libres, 2007)
"Breasts Like Martinis" (Slate, 2007)
"June 19, 1953: Julius and Ethel Rosenberg" (Oxford Magazine, 2007)
"Great Day at the Athenaeum" (Unpleasant Event Schedule, 2006)
"October 22, 1659: Mary Dyer" (NEA Writer's Corner, 2006)
"August 23, 1927: Nicola Sacco" (Literary Imagination, 2006)
"August 23, 1927: Bartolomeo Vanzetti" (2006) is in The Forward Book of Poetry: A Collection of the Best Poems of the Year from the Forward Poetry Prizes
"December 12, 1884: George Cooke" (Slate, 2006)
"December 7, 1982: Charles Brooks" (The New Republic, 2006)
"July 16, 1692: Susanna Martin" (Post Road, 2006)
"September 18, 1755: Mark and Phyllis" (Post Road, 2006)
"February 8, 1924: Gee Jon" (The New Republic, 2006)
"June 4, 1715: Margaret Gaulacher" (Memorious, 2005)
"October 21, 1773: Levi Ames" (Memorious, 2005)
"July 9, 1819: Rose Butler" (Memorious, 2005)
"June 9, 1916: Juan Sanchez" (Memorious, 2005)
"September 3, 2003: Paul Hill" (Memorious, 2005)
"July 12, 1726: William Fly" (236Magazine, 2005) is in Enskyment
"May 3, 1946: Willie Francis" (236 Magazine, 2005) is in Enskyment and Demands of the Dead: Executions, Storytelling and Activism in the United States
"May 9, 1947: Willie Francis" (236 Magazine, 2005) is in Enskyment and Hacks: 10 Years on Grub Street
"Ronnie Drenger and I Receive Some Signs from God" (Memorious, 2004)
"Faith: A Translation" (Memorious, 2004)
"Runaway" (Slate, 2002) is in Joining Music with Reason